LSLB | Stats | Backends

This section shows two tables, a table with both established and pending connections per backend (Backends Table), and another table with the established sessions (Sessions Table).

Backends Table

These are the fields of the backend table:

Service. Farm service name where the backend is configured in. This column only appears in HTTP(s) farms.
Alias. Alias of the backend in the case it has one configured.
IP. The IP address of the backend.
Port. Port of the backend.
Established Conns. The number of established connections to a given backend.
Pending Conns. The number of pending connections to a given backend.
Status. Current status of the backend. This is the color code status of the backend.

  • Green bullet. Means Backend is running normally.
  • Orange bullet. Means the Backend is in maintenance mode.
  • Red bullet. Means the farm is up but the backend is unreachable.

Sessions Table

The different fields of the backend sessions table are:

Service. Farm service name associated with the client session.
Persistence session. Identifier used for the persistence between client and the backend.
Backend IP. Backend where the session is connected to.
Backend PORT. Backend Port where the session is connected to.
TTL. Time of life for the persistence session, if this time is reached the session is deleted.

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