To create a Virtual LAN:
- Go to the Network > VLAN page.
- Click the Create VLAN button.
- In the Parent Interface drop-down list, select the NIC interface that you want to create the VLAN interface.
- In the IP Address field, enter the IP address for the new VLAN interface.
- In the Netmask/CIDR field, enter the subnet mask for the new VLAN interface.
- In the Gateway field, optionally enter a default gateway for the new VLAN interface.
- In the MAC field, either generate a random MAC address by clicking the Generate random MAC button or enter a custom MAC address.
- In the VLAN ID field, enter a unique number for the new VLAN interface. An integer between 1 – 4094
- DHCP(optional): If enabled, the interface will automatically assign an IP address obtained from the DHCP server.
- Click the Apply button to create the new VLAN interface.
If you are unhappy with the changes, you can click the Revert changes button to revert to the previous configuration.
If you want to change the MAC address for this VLAN please use the “Generate Random MAC”, a new MAC address will be assigned to the VLAN Card. This option is useful if you don’t want to share the MAC address with the NIC (by default).
Additional notes:
- IPv4 and IPv6 stacks are supported, but the Netmask and Gateway fields must be configured in the same stack as the IP address.
- The VLAN ID must be unique and must start with the name of the parent interface, followed by the VLAN tag, separated by a dot. The total length of the Parent Interface and VLAN name must be less than 16 characters.
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