Network | VPN | Create

Create VPN

In this section, you’ll learn how to set up a VPN using The SKUDONET appliance, and how to configure it using various VPN profiles.

The image below shows the starting interface.

Skudonet network vlan create

When you click the Create VPN action, it’ll open a form that looks similar to the one in the image below.

Skudonet network vlan create

Use the Name field to give the VPN a suitable label, and the profile to select the VPN type to implement.

When you click through the profile field, it’ll show 3 VPN profiles that you can select from. These profiles are:

  • ZSS: VPN Site-to-Site. This type of VPN connects two networks with different networks. It can be used to connect clients to a SKUDONET load balancer or to connect a SKUDONET load balancer to real servers. SKUDONET will act as the default gateway for each local and remote subnet. ZSS (Sito to Site) uses IPsec encryption. Do you want to know more about SKUDONET Site-to-Site VPN? Read this article.
  • ZTN: VPN Tunnel. This type of VPN creates a tunnel between two networks. It can be used to connect clients to a SKUDONET load balancer or to connect a SKUDONET load balancer to real servers. SKUDONET will act as the default gateway for each local and remote subnet. ZTN (Tunnel) uses a GRE tunnel over IPsec encryption. Do you want to know more about SKUDONET Tunnel VPN? Read this article.
  • ZRS: Remote Server. This type of VPN allows clients to connect to a VPN server. SKUDONET will act as the VPN server and assign the client a dynamic IP address. The dynamic IP address will be routed to the destination network through the routing system. ZRS (Remote Server) uses IPsec encryption in server mode for clients in road warrior mode. Do you want to know more about SKUDONET Remote ServerVPN? Read this article.

Refer to the figure below.

Skudonet network vlan create

When you select any of the options, let’s say ZTN (Tunnel L2TP), it’ll open a wider form with more fields for you to fill. Follow the instructions carefully and fill out the form with the necessary details.

The image below shows a glimpse of what the fields would look like.

Skudonet network vlan create

Here is a brief description of the fields you’ll fill in the form.


Configure the VPN Authentication method.

Authentication method. The method used to verify submitted credentials. This method is usually kept a secret.
Password. Your user password for accessing the VPN.


Configure the VPN Local Network.

Local gateway. The default gateway is used by the local server to access resources on external networks.
Local IP. The network layer IP address of the local server if it is configured. Supports both IPV4 and IPV6.
Local netmask. The subnet mask of the local server is configured. You must configure this local netmask at the time you set up the IP of the local device.
Local tunnel IP. The IP address of the local tunnelling host if it is configured. Supports both IPV4 and IPV6.
Local tunnel netmask. The subnet mask of the local tunnelling host. You must configure the netmask at the time when you configure the IP address of the local tunnel.


Configure the VPN Remote Network to be connected.

Remote gateway. The default gateway used by the remote server to access resources on external networks
Remote IP. The network layer IP address of the remote server if it is configured. Supports both IPV4 and IPV6.
Remote netmask. The subnet mask of the remote server is configured. You must configure this remote netmask at the time of configuring the IP.
Remote tunnel IP. The subnet mask of the remote tunnelling host. The netmask must be configured at the time when you set up the IP address of the remote tunnelling host.

Phase 1

Configure the VPN Phase 1 for crypto security configuration if required.

Authentication. IKE Phase 1 negotiation algorithm that checks the integrity of a request.
Encryption. Encryption algorithms are used for securing data packets against packet sniffing.
DH group. An algorithm that provides secrecy of data shared between two unprotected VPN endpoints.

Phase 2

Configure the VPN Phase 2 for crypto security configuration if required.

Protocols. The type of IPsec protocol to be used for authenticating the packets shared over a network.
Authentication. IKE Phase 2 negotiation algorithm that checks the integrity of a request.
Encryption. Encryption methods are used for securing data packets traversing over a network.
DH group. An algorithm that provides secrecy of data shared between two unprotected VPN endpoints.
Pseudo-random function. An algorithm that creates randomness, solely for keying purposes.

Both IPv4 and IPv6 stacks are supported, taking into account that the Netmask and Gateway have been configured in the same stack as the IP address.

After confirming that all the required fields have been filled, click the Apply button to create the new VLAN interface.

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