GSLB | Stats | Backends

This section provides a detailed overview of the GSLB farm’s current status, including Backend statistics, Client requests, Server requests, and Extended statistics.

To show backend stats, click the Show Backends button as shown in the image below.



The Backend Stats table shows the following information:

Service: The name of the farm service.
IP: The IP address of the backend server.
Port: The TCP port of the backend server to be checked.
Status: The current status of the backend server, which can be one of the following:

  • Green: The backend server is UP and running normally.
  • Red: The backend server is unreachable, but the farm is still UP.
  • Grey: The status of the backend server is unknown. This can happen when the farm is stopped and the backend server is not in maintenance mode.



The Client Stats table shows information about DNS queries requested by the GSLB farm and its responses. It includes the following information:

  • Extended DNS Big: The number of EDNS UDP responses that were too large.
  • Extended DNS Truncated: The number of EDNS responses that were truncated because they were too long.
  • Failed REQ: The number of failed requests from clients.
  • Requests: The total number of client requests.
  • Failed RES: The number of failed responses to clients.
  • Truncated Response TC: The number of responses that were truncated because they were too long. This is indicated to the client by setting the TC bit.


The Server Stats section shows the DNS queries and responses to and from the backend servers. It includes the following information:

  • Failed REQ: The number of failed requests from clients.
  • Requests: The number of requests that were forwarded to the backend servers.
  • Failed RES: The number of failed responses from backend servers.



The Extended Stats section shows additional GSLB farm related information. It includes the following information:

  • Bad Versions: The number of DNS requests with a wrong DNS version number.
  • Dropped: The number of DNS queries that were dropped by DNS servers.
  • Extended DNS: The number of DNS queries using EDNS.
  • Extended DNS ClientSub: The number of DNS queries using EDNS with client subnet extension.
  • Format Error: The number of DNS queries with the wrong format.
  • No Error: The number of DNS transactions that were successfully completed.
  • Notimp: The number of DNS requests that were answered with a NotImp error: This error means that the DNS server does not implement DNS update requests.
  • Non-Existent Domain: The number of DNS queries asking for a domain that cannot be resolved.
  • Refused: The number of DNS requests that were refused.
  • v6: The number of DNS queries requesting an IPv6 address.

By default, the statistics in this section show a single sample of the information shown for the current farm. However, it is also possible to configure the statistics to update every 10,, 30, 60, or 120 seconds.

Next Article: DSLB | Farms

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