To create a Virtual LAN:
- Go to the Network > VLAN page.
- Click the Create VLAN button.
- In the Parent Interface drop-down list, select the NIC interface that you want to create the VLAN interface.
- In the IP Address field, enter the IP address for the new VLAN interface.
- In the Netmask/CIDR field, enter the subnet mask for the new VLAN interface.
- In the Gateway field, optionally enter a default gateway for the new VLAN interface.
- In the MAC field, either generate a random MAC address by clicking the Generate random MAC button or enter a custom MAC address.
- In the VLAN ID field, enter a unique number for the new VLAN interface. An integer between 1 – 4094
- DHCP(optional): If enabled, the interface will automatically assign an IP address obtained from the DHCP server.
- Click the Apply button to create the new VLAN interface.
Once the VLAN is created a new field called Alias appears, enter a descriptive name.
If you are unhappy with the changes, you can click the Revert changes button to revert to the previous configuration.
Additional notes:
- IPv4 and IPv6 stacks are supported, but the Netmask and Gateway fields must be configured in the same stack as the IP address.
- The VLAN ID must be unique and must start with the name of the parent interface, followed by the VLAN tag, separated by a dot. The total length of the Parent Interface and VLAN name must be less than 16 characters.
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