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Multi-Cloud: meaning and advantages

Multi-Cloud is a really intelligent and interesting process in which an enterprise can assign different applications to each public or private cloud services, leading to multiple benefit strategy, reviewed as follows:

It’s ready for use instantly.
It’s a flexible and customizable system.
It becomes easier to identify the security policies of each cloud service provider, and therefore, decide which applications fit best and place on each one.
if one cloud is offline, you can still work on the others taking advantage of its high availability, so you face much better a possible outage.
Avoids vendor lock-ins.
Makes it more difficult to suffer a DDoS attack, as it can’t reach all the clouds in use, so the enterprise is still functional.
It hinders shadow IT activity.

As ZEVENET can be deployed in any platform, even in public, private or hybrid clouds, the solution ZVNcloud is ready to create high availability through multi-cloud, supporting Amazon Web Services, Azure and Digital Ocean, but also getting ready to integrate others like Google Cloud, Linode or others. This will also be the future ZEVENET SASE solution ready for multi-cloud.

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