Visualize the Power of Our Open-Source Load Balancer

Welcome to SKUDONET‘s demo of our Enterprise Edition. Our platform offers advanced load balancing and robust security features to ensure optimal performance and protection for your infrastructure. That you can now experience yourself with this live demo.

Get a firsthand look at how SKUDONET’s solutions can enhance your network’s reliability and security.

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“We manage the information you provide with the sole aim of assisting with your requests or queries in regards to our products or services; applying the computer and security procedures to ensure its protection. Your data can be rectified or removed upon request but won’t be offered to any third parties, unless we are legally required to do so.” Responsible: SKUDONET SL - info@skudonet.com


Swift Response Times, Exceptional Adaptability, and Effortless Usability

User-Friendly Product Design

Seamlessly Integrated Simplicity. User-friendly System with a minimal learning curve for effortless workflow integration.

ADC Developed by IT Experts for IT Experts

Our Application Delivery Controller (ADC) it’s a solution crafted by and for IT professionals. Aligned with the intricate needs of the IT field.


Security is integral in our product. SKUDONET’s ADC offers inherent robustness against evolving digital threats.

Full Licensing

No restrictions on the product’s featuresOne-time payment grants unlimited access, including *upgrades. *Annual support service required.

Faster & Better than other ADC Products

SKUDONET offers superior performance compared to similar products at a higher price point.
Faster Return of Investment. DEMONSTRATED.

Expert-Led Support for Optimal Performance

Expert support for swift issue resolutions, with in-depth product knowledge and ongoing communication with developers.

User-Friendly Design

Seamlessly Integrated Simplicity. 
User-friendly system with a minimal learning curve for effortless workflow integration.

Inherent Security

Security is integral in our product. SKUDONET’s ADC offers inherent robustness against evolving digital threats.

Faster & Better

SKUDONET offers superior performance than other ADC products on the market, with a faster return of investment.

Full Licensing System

No restrictions on the product’s features. One-time payment grants unlimited access, including *upgrades.
*Annual support service required.

ADC Developed by IT

Our Application Delivery Controller (ADC) it’s a solution crafted by and for IT experts. Aligned with the intricate needs of the IT field.

Expert-Led Support

Expert assistance for quick problem resolution. You will have a dedicated engineer with ongoing communication with developers.

Download Skudonet ADC Load Balancer
Community Edition

Source Code

A versatile and installable ADC system designed for diverse vendor hardware.


Installable ISO 

Load Balancing as a Service alongside an ADC orchestration toolkit.

Download Community Edition

Download Community Edition

“We manage the information you provide with the sole aim of assisting with your requests or queries in regards to our products or services; applying the computer and security procedures to ensure its protection. Your data can be rectified or removed upon request but won’t be offered to any third parties, unless we are legally required to do so.” Responsible: SKUDONET SL - info@skudonet.com